
Dr Tamás Gerencsér

He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Szeged. He started working in Sopron in the first and biggest foreign-owned dental surgery. Later he founded his own private surgery. He has been treating patients mainly from Austria, Switzerland and Germany for more than 20 years. He regularly goes to international dental congresses; he took part in a physician-economist training in 2007 and was given the academic title „Master of Oral Medicine In Implantology” at the University of Münster.

His own praxis has received several EU grants. Due to this and the constant development of technologies and equipment, he uses the most modern diagnostic equipment and methods.  His surgery has three independent treatment units equipped with a 3D panoramic X-ray machine, CAD/CAM computer techniques as well as a Freza machine (which enables an immediate prosthesis preparation) providing a world-class machinery in healing.

He belongs to those dentists in Sopron who have taken part in creating the international reputation of Hungarian dentists by their reliable and high-quality work. He is a board member of the cluster.

Dental Health Services


Höflányi utca 37.


+36/ 99/320 579


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